Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Weird. I've had this blog for how long? let's say, well, some time; and I've only now bothered to click on "statistics." And what do you know, you can actually see who's accessing this stuff, from where, how often - I'm surprised that there's actually anyone besides myself reading here. Because, let's face it, these workout numbers aren't that fascinating. Unless you're fascinated by numbers, in which case I pretty much don't know what to say.

Well, now that I know that some poor soul is seeing this, I feel compelled to add some workout-related information.

First, the current schedule is fine, so far. I don't know whether it's as good for my MaxEffort numbers as the Texas Method, but it's definitely easier to add to my climbing schedule. The lowered volume helps lots with recovery. Even though I feel it when the weight climbs up again. Which is sorta the point, I guess.

So there.

(Edit: OK, mostly spam sites. Still not bad.)

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